Penning my thoughts

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Location: Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Thursday, May 11, 2006

What I found in "My Experiments with Truth"

When I was reading the book on "My Experiments with Truth" written by M.K.Gandhi, I found certain things very enthralling and the thoughts of M.K.Gandhi were really little extraordinary. Here are certain excerpts.
1> I know nothing is impossible for pure love. God ultimately svaes him whose motive is pure. Shyness can be one of the reasosn for aloofness. Bad handwriting should be regarded as a sign of an imperfect education.
2> A scientific knowledge of one language makes a knowledge of other languages comparatively easy.
3> A Reformer cannot affort to have close intimacy with him whom he seeks to reform. True friendship is an identity of souls rarely to be found in this world. Only between like natures acan friendship be altogether worthy and enduring. Friends react to one another. Hence in friendship there is very little scope for reform.
4> All exclusive intimacies are to be avoided, for man takes in vice far more readily than virtue. And he who would be friends with God must remain alone, or make the whole world his friend.
5> A servant wrongly suspected may throw up his job, a son in the same case may leave his fathers roof, and a friend may put an end to the friendship. The wife if she suspects her husband, will keep quiet, but if the husband suspects her she is ruined. A hindu wife has no remedy in Law.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My Quotes Bundle

Goodness is not merely a beautiful thing, but by far the most beautiful thing in the whole world; so that nothing is to be compared for value with goodness that riches honor, power, pleasure, learning the whole world and all in it, are not worth having in comparison with being good; and the utterly best thing for a man is to be good, even though were never to be rewarded for it.
-- Charles Kingsley

A thing of beauty is a joy forever, its loveliness increases it will never pass into nothingness.
-- John Keats

There are no ugly women, there are only women who do not know how to look pretty. There is no cosmetic for the beauty like happiness.
-- William James

Imagination disposes of everything, it creates beauty, justice and happiness which is everything in this world
-- Pascal

Give me the beauty in the inward soul and may the inner and the outer be at one. May I consider wisdom to be wealth, and let me have only as much gold as a temperate man and only he can bear and carry. This prayer, I think is enough for me.
-- Socrates

The most consummately beautiful thing in the universe is the rightly fashioned life of a good person.
-- George Herbert Palmer

My first poem

I'm going to try to speak the words
that my heart wants you to know
I want you to see what you mean to me
and why I love you so.

Nobody else can know my thoughts
and touch my soul like you can
No one can melt my heart like you
do simply by holding my hand.

With a loving glance or a tender kiss
you make my cares disappear
Warm thoughts of you surround me
and always keep you near.

I need nothing more from you than this-
to know that you'll always be mine
And the promise of your love
in my life- until the end of time.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Favorite Poetry Collections from High School

Jane Austen:

Success is counted sweetest
By those who never succeed
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need.

Not one of all the purple host
Who took the flag today
Can tell the definition
So clear of victory.

As he defeated dying
On whose forbidden ear
The distant strains of triumph
Burst agonized and clear!
Will there really be a "morning"?
Is there such a thing as "day"
Could I see it from the mountaines
If I were as tall as they?

Has it feed like water lilies?
Has it feathres like a bird?
Is it brought from famous countries.
Of which I have never heard?

Oh Some scholar! Oh Some sailor?
Oh some wise man from the skies!
Please to tell a little pilgrim
Where the place called "morning" lies.

And so of larger - Darkness
Those evenings of the brian
When not a Moon disclose a sign
Or star come out within

The bravest grope a little
And sometimes hit a tree
Directly in the forehead
But as they learn to see

Either the darkness alters
Or something in the sight
Adjusts itself to midnight
And life steps almost straight
My Friend Came !

Lost in the path of misery and sorrow
I could no more go wheeling through my life
Hatred, distrust, sorrow... was I in
when time was so unkind, life was cruel

An unexpected thing happened
A persone came into my life
who brought life back into me
who kept her arms open.

Ram I into her arms and unburdened my heart
She laughed with me, cried with me
Born through the winds of time a bond

A bond which was unexpected
A strong bond between her and me
A strong bond of friendship.

Laughter, happiness, courage she instilled in me
And we became best friends you see
She is the best friend I will treasure
And for sure ever and ever...
And the only one she will always be.

Gist of Bhagavad Gita

My first posting to start with the Bhagavad Gita,

"Whatever has happened is for good.
Whatever is happening is going on well.
Whatever will happen that will also be good.
Why you are repenting for whatever you have lost?
Have you brought anything with you which you have lost?
Have you produced anything with you which you have lost?
Whatever you have gained you obtained from here.
Whatever you gave you have given here.
Whatever belongs to you today yesterday belongs to someone else.
It may belonged to someone day after. "