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Saturday, September 30, 2006

Kurai Onrum Illai

Tears fell down when I heard the song "Kurai Onrum Illai" composed by the great C. Rajagopalachari, dearly called as"Rajaji." C. Rajagopalachari, the first and only Indian to be the Governor General of India, was an ardent patriot, a pioneering social reformer, incisive thinker, profound scholar and author. Me being a common man, what can I talk about the great Rajaji.

My introduction to Rajaji was done by my father who has read all of his philosopical books like Ramayana, Mahabharata, Upanishads, Puranas, etc,.during my high school days he used to talk about his scholarly knowledge in hinduism. I was very much attracted to his speeches related to Baja Govindam.

The gist of the song is rendered here.

"I have no grievances at all absolutely, vEdha nayakA! kaNNA! Youare not seen by mt eyes; Even though You are not seen by my naked eyes, Ihave no grievances! (implies; I have, because I am not able to see you)

Whatever I wish, You are able to give me, Then, whatelse do I need? (exceptYou); Hence, I have no grievances; maNivaNNA! malai appA! GovindhA!
You are standing behind the curtain (imples stage; You are a soothradhaari); Only vEdic scholars and gnAnis can see You; Even then, I have no grievances (implies, I have because I am not able to see You);

During these "kali" yugam, You have come and entered and stayed as an arch A form at TirumalA, kEsavA! No one can deny Your Existence, GovindhA! When the Merciful, Goddess stays in Your chest all the time, why should Ihave any "kuRai"? GovindhA!"

No words can be used to describe Dr. Rajaji, for his composition of song "Kurai Onrum Illai" and sung by of course the well known devotional singer M.S Subbulakshmi in United Nations concert.

The song can be heard here
The song renders the total submission of the human soul to The Lord.

Rajaji's Gems:

1. It needs three things to make a truly great man - a man's brain, a woman's heart and a child's freshness of outlook

2. We make ourselves by our own thoughts and actions, and it is the character that we hammer out in this life that the soul carries With it at the start of its next journey.


Blogger Ed Vis said...

Thank God that Rajaji translated wonderful scriptures like RAMAYANA and MAHABHARATA.

I was very lucky to hear him speak once.

2:49 PM  
Blogger Vaz said...

good posts
eventhough i don have anu idea about rajaji , i like the song

1:46 AM  

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